I'm LWH. lim wei heng.
15years old this year
Love games. i am a game hopper.
30-08-1995 MY DAY


the past.

Greenwood Primary school.
1C 2C 3D 4D 5H 6H

Admiralty Secondary school.
1T2 2T2 3T2


Music Playlist at


Big Bang-Koe Wo Kikasete
Big Bang-Heaven
Basshunter-Angel in the night
Boys like Girls-Hero/Heroine
Secondhand Serenade-Fall for you
Hilary Duff-Come clean
Lady gaga-Bad romance



|Pei xuan|
|Khim wei|
|Poh choo|
|Gay kwang|
|Hui Si|


Witbyt's skins


Friday, August 27, 2010

So long no post.
i just came back to post because i have nothing better to do.
I am playing left 4 dead 1/2 and pangya now.
(if you dun know what the hell is that.. GOOGLE)


Zombified at 9:25 PM

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today when to school for cheering competition.
Lazy to type..
When it's our turn to go to the stage and perform, i am so nervous. XD
Then after the cheering competition.
Me, Jin lin, Hui xiang, and 1 more guy.. i forgot his name. We go swim at the woodlands swimming pool.
at 5pm we went to causeway point to eat.
i ate laska then hui xiang brought a tom yam soup. the soup was so spicy that nobody want to drink it but i drink almost half of it. SO SPICY!~ but nice.
Then we took bus and when home.
When i reach home jun hao called me. and asked me want to follow him go buy @cash. so i follow him and went there. he bought 70k @cash and i bought 20k @cash only.
then after buying @cash we went to the arcade walk walk there. lol.
then went home after that.
okay bye. Back to my maple =D

Zombified at 7:54 PM

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Went to school quite late but i still reach there on time.
Today morning assembly our class(3T2) and 3T1 got compliment for the teacher.but we still get LOTS more of COMPLAINS than COMPLIMENT. Lols.
So after the flag raising we went back to class and do our reading.
after that we went to Computer lab and do CPA.
The teacher gave 3 work to do and i already complete 2. So i did the last one about Tooth decay.The pictures are quite.. funny. =D
After doing the assignments the teachers gave i went to walk around the lab as there is nothing to do for me.
My friends keep calling me to help them Help Them HELP THEM. LOl.
Here call there call everywhere call call.
Wah call till i headache.
After that MR lim(CPA teacher) gave me a paper about: Starting the dreamweaver. The starting was SO EASY!. Just need to make a Title and 2 Sentence and 1 of the sentence need to be BOLD.
After finshing that Dreamweaver thingy the time is up. so we went back to the class for english lesson. -35 mins GONE-
RECESS! I went to the canteen and ..........
Then after recess we went back to the class for science lesson and Mr Chua check our Pants and socks.
then ----------Time fly-------------
After school got remedial for EBS. Mr ang gave us a worksheet to do and then do lor finsh le wait till 3:45PM then go le.
After school me, jinlin, khim wei, hui xiang went outside our school and we found 2 coconut on the floor. Then we open the coconut and try the water inside.
LOL. The 1st one taste sour and the 2rd one taste abit sour and bitter?
then we slack outside the school. the bench under .. whats that call ar.. lol.
Nvm anyway then we saw mr low there and he ask why are we here an i gave him a LAME reason which is.
I have no key to go home so i am waiting for my mother.LOL
So. we went home..
Then jin lin went to my house to play l4d2.

at night i went out to eat .
lazy type le.. lol.

Zombified at 10:41 PM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today at sch so bored.
Morning assembly at hall. then after so call singing the nation anthem and stuff got a talk about overseas trip by this school. then went back class for lesson.
nothing to talk about the lessons.
after school got SST (Self study time) at canteen then 3.15pm i went home with meng wei and saw Mr lim (the teach us CPA de) then i went home.
Switch on my comp and play l4d again.
then play till 5.40pm. then i go cook instant noodles. while i am cooking my mother buy 1 packet of wan tan mee (Wanton noodles) so i ate my instant noodles AND the wan tan mee. lol. But i not really that full leh.
Then my friend call me to go out. then i go out and EAT agian but this time is just dessert. then we go disturb some kids at playground. LOL. then we went home.
i reach home at 8.15pm like that.
when i reach home my brother was useing the computer so i went to play DJMax Black square(PSP game)
i play and play till the battery is flat then my brother went to bed and i use the computer to update my blog =D

Goodbye Cruel world. lols.


Zombified at 10:03 PM

Monday, February 1, 2010

=D. Today woke up at 6.45am.bath and blah blah blah reach school at 7.10am
then went to parade square.blah blah blah then reading period. i was talking to ben all the way for the reading period. after reading period when to PE lesson.
Mr lim told ask to run 2.4km outside the school so we ran. i got 10min and 30 sec. and in 6th place. =) after all my classmate return from running we went up the hall for some games.
we play captains ball and we got OWN =D score 0 to 2 LOL.
then went back classroom to take bag and went to Chinese lesson. While in chinese lesson i change my cloths there. Lol.
then math .. recess . english, then went to assembly. they talk about Food from the heart and 1 more i forget le.
then mr chua ask us go back to class room to give us letters and talk about the sitting plan..
after that i walk home with khim wei. we went to the mini mart to buy drinks.
then i send khim wei to hell XD. Jk. i send him to the bus stop and i walk home from there.
When i reach home i play 2 match of left 4 dead.
from 3pm play to 7.30pm. 2 match only play so long.
then i ate my dinner and i watch life transformer 2 the chn 8 show.
thats all. =D i am going to bed after watching that show. Bye~

Zombified at 8:15 PM

the zombie life